6 januari 2019

from Tomiro's Book : Tuesday 5:th of Yan 2049

Happy old future, Tomiro!?! You've survived another year. 2049 can be even more chaotic, narrow and empty than 2048. So we give you calm, canadian snowflakes to begin with.... ....spreading over dark river like Joni-Louice, refreshing your first memory of falling-in-love. In our library cementary you find Tintin's "Seven Crystal Balls". That album could celebrate one century - if humans still would've been walking around on earth. This evening you don't crawl up from Cave 79 - you fly! Some feet over your little mountain you downlook on forever closed cafeterias and dead storehouses. Our cathedral reaches far above, faithfully watching you.

ännu en Historia gjord av Hundra Ord


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